Samchai Infratech Truss Systems

Switch to SCIF Steel Truss Systems today and reap the benefits of it.

Previously alternatives to conventional timber roof framing systems were rarely considered by builders.

Today, after extensive research and development, the design of steel truss system is widely recognized and appreciation in modern days building works.

Advantages of Using Steel Truss Systems

Homogeneous, Lightweight and Durable

Steel trusses area made of homogeneous material. They are uniform and do not have any defects such as warp or shrinkage. Its lightweight eases handling and its durability will outlast conventional timber systems.

Termite Resistant
The inherent properties of steel truss ensure it is termite proof and maintenance free. Conventional timber trusses are extremely prone to termite attacks and requires frequent long term maintenance. If such attacks arise, it will significantly shorten the lifespan and weaken the structural strength of the timber trusses. Moreover, this endangers its inhabitants.

Rust and Corrosion Resistant
All steel trusses will not rust or corrode as they are protected by a layer of galvanized coating.

Fire Resistant
Steel is fire resistant and non-combustible compared to timber. Hence, steel trusses have greater fire rating and fire resistance.

Environmental Friendly

Computer Designed
In-House computer generate roof truss layout configuration in accordance to architect’s design couple with comprehensive engineering computations. Shop drawings and fabrication details are endorsed by Professional Engineer.

Samchai Infratech Truss System meets various standards:
- Dead, Live and Wind Load, AS 1170: Part 1&2
- Cold Formed Steel Structure Code, AS 4600-1996
- Steel Sheet and Strip, AS 1397
- Steel Design Code, AS4100

Precision Manufactured
Trusses comonents and accessories are manufactured with precision meeting the design criteria.

All Samchai Infratech steel trusses are factory pre-fabricated and transport to site either assembled or loose.

On Site Installation
Samchai Infratech employs designed installer for its steel truss systems.

Copyright (c) 2008 Samchai Infratech Co., LTD. All rights reserved.